Online Offerings Now




Healing Mama Online Offerings

Healing Birth Trauma Online Meetup

Healing Mama Trauma Immersion




The Motherhood Center of New York


Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Time: 3:15 to 4:15 pm                       

Cost: $25 per class

Instructor: Paige Bellenbaum, LMSW


Coping with Postpartum Anxiety Course

Jordan Therapy Services

10 sessions

$47 during COVID-19


MindMum App


Postpartum Support International

Perinatal (Pregnancy & Postpartum) Mood Support Monday @ 3:30 PM PT

Perinatal (Pregnancy & Postpartum) Mood Support Tuesday @ 8:00 AM PT

Perinatal (Pregnancy & Postpartum) Mood Support Tuesday @ 3:30 PM PT

Pregnancy Mood Support Group Wednesday @ 11:00 AM PT

Military Moms Wednesday @ 3:30 PM PT

Perinatal (Pregnancy & Postpartum) Mood Support Thursday @ 11:00 AM PT

NICU Parents Thursday @ 3:30 PM PT

Postpartum Support Center

Mom to Mom

Join Mom to Mom Peer Support Groups and connect with other mothers in our community!

Spanish Group: Every Monday at 7:00 pm     

English Group: Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm


Self Screening for Perinatal Anxiety and Depression


HAND of the Bay Area is offering grief support for bereaved parents (miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, termination of a wanted pregnancy) as well as a separate group for subsequent pregnancy through Google Hangouts during Coronavirus.

  1. We are offering peer support services via phone and email. If you wish to be connected with a HAND peer support volunteer, please complete a peer support request form. 
  2. HAND chapters are offering video-conferencing support groups, held at the usual support group meeting times. If you are interested in attending, please email 

For more info:


National Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Pregnancy Loss Support Chat

Next Chat: Tuesday, April 7th, at 7:00 PM CST

The chat will be online the first Tuesday of each month from 7:00pm – 9:00pm central standard time.

Pregnancy After Loss Support Chat

Next Chat: Tuesday, March 17th, at 7:00 PM CST

The chat will be online the third Tuesday of each month from 7:00pm – 9:00pm central standard time.


Star Legacy

Bereaved Parents of Perinatal Loss

This group is for parents who have experienced the death of a baby during pregnancy or immediately after birth. 

1st & 3rd Monday of the month

7:15 PM Eastern/6:15 PM Central/5:15 PM Mountain/4:15 PM Pacific

Group facilitated by Deb Fischer, MS, LAMFT


Pregnancy after Loss

This group is for parents currently experiencing a pregnancy following a previous loss.

Every Monday night

8:30 PM Eastern/7:30 PM Central/6:30 PM Mountain/5:30 PM Pacific

Group facilitated by Joann O'Leary, PhD


Dad's Discussion Group

This group is for bereaved dads.

 2nd Monday of each month

7:15 PM Eastern/6:15 PM Central/5:15 PM Mountain/4:15 PM Pacific

Group facilitated by Doug Stewart


Parenting after Loss

​​​​​​​This group is for parents who are parenting a child(ren) born before and/or after a previous loss.

1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month

2 different sessions offered each day

1:00 PM Eastern/12:00 PM Central/11:00AM Mountain/10:00 AM Pacific

9:30 PM Eastern/8:30 PM Central/7:30 PM Muntaino/6:30PM Pacific

Facilitated by Joanne O'Leary, PhD


Grandparents/Extended family

This group is for grandparents and other family and friends who are grieving and supporting loss parents​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​1st Wed of each month

8:15 PM Eastern/7:15 PM Central/6:15 PM Mountain/5:15 PM Pacific

Facilitated by Joanne O'Leary, PhD


Coping with Infant Death

This group is for parents who have had a child die at 1 month or more of age.​​​​​​​

2nd Wednesday of each month

7:00 PM Eastern/6:00 PM Central/5:00 PM Mountain/4:00 PM Pacific

Facilitated by Kathleen Massman, LAMFT