Wise Woman Services and Education for healing & thriving Postpartum

Every mama deserves traditional postpartum medicines and care, regardless of her birth experience. Malika Rani works with Pregnant and Postpartum Mamas interested in Holistic Health, that value midwifery and want a team of holistic postpartum specialists and practices ready to implement right after birth to fully heal and thrive postpartum.

An advocate for comprehensive trauma-informed care for reproduction and birth related post-traumatic stress, Malika has cultivated an integral approach to understanding and addressing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements and rites encountered through conception, pregnancy, birth and bonding. She supports women and families to heal and thrive through the thrilling and often trying experiences on the reproductive journey.

Malika Rani, MA, weaves wisdom gained as a Birth and Postpartum Doula, Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga instructor and Massage Therapist, 30 years in Baby Care, and a graduate education in Perinatal Psychology and Midwifery. Her understanding is enhanced by her personal reproductive experiences including healing from the sudden loss and birth of her identical twin boys at 8 months pregnant. She is a Postpartum Midwife, supporting Postpartum Recovery by offering services that incorporate Traditional Postpartum Medicine, Somatic and Transpersonal Psychology, Traumatology, Interpersonal Neurobiology, Authentic Relating, Indigenous Healing Practices, Yogic Science and Meditation.  learn more about Malika Rani...

Beyond her work as a Holistic Postpartum Midwife, Malika Rani also practices and teaches “Authentic Relating” (aka "Circling") and Relational Leadership. She is a senior facilitator of workshops and trainings for Authentic World and the Integral Center. She was an integral member of “The Community” since its early inception and was a core female member of the leadership body. Malika continues to stay engaged with the development of the global Circling community and her core communities in the San Francisco Bay Area and Boulder, CO.

One branch of building community through authentic relating, was the development of Women’s Circles and a Healing Center in San Francisco called the SpiralMuse Home of Wellbeing beginning in 2003. With pioneering female mentors, Malika supported the non-profit organization in developing and hosting events, parties, and programs. In her 20s and 30s, she nurtured and personally developed inside of this community of women deeply committed to inner work, living responsibly, LOVE, and supporting the emerging awareness and depth of wisdom available inside of healthy collaborative women’s culture.

Malika Rani is also a ceremonialist and yogic practitioner with 18 years of in-depth training and study. She is an Apprentice of Pema Khandro Rinpoche of the Buddhist Yogis Lineage. Honored and privileged to relish in the sublime teachings of Dzogchen and Tantra, Malika strives to live by the Bodhisattva vows. Through the School, she has studied natural medicine, yoga and meditation, and is a certified Meditation Instructor.

Concurrently, Malika Rani has also been gratefully re-connecting with indigenous elemental wisdom and training with indigenous Elders for 18 years. Bridging the past with the future, the young with the old, through International Wisdom Keeper Councils and Ceremonies hosted by Earth Peoples United and Spirit Jaguar. Malika weaves earth practices into Rites of Passage experiences for growth and healing. Born in San Francisco and raised in Sausalito California, by immigrant Jewish South African parents, with the diaspora of her lineage living around the globe, she brings a deep appreciation for cross cultural wisdom and experience. Further, Malika Rani is a wilderness advocate and enthusiast, hell-bent on making a huge impact with the preservation and rejuvenation of healthy ecosystems and the creation of a functional and sustainable culture of humanity.

Malika Rani, MA, draws from her vast professional experience as a counselor, doula, postpartum consultant, body worker, women’s health care advocate, yogic practitioner, and from the healing traditions of Ayurveda and herbalism—as well as her own personal experience—to offer Postpartum Midwifery and the Healing Mama Trauma curriculum.




  • human development
  • attachment/bonding
  • reproduction and birth
  • traumatology
  • somatic healing
  • emotional intelligence
  • women and families
  • rites of passage
  • council
  • yoga & meditation


  • Masters of Arts in Psychology, John F Kennedy University
    specialization in Reproductive & Birth Psychology
  • Bachelors of Arts in Psychology, University of California Santa Barbara  
  • Bachelors of Arts in Religious Studies, University of California Santa Barbara  


  • Maternal Mental Health Certificate Training for Mental Health and Clinical Professionals
    Postpartum Support International and the 2020 Mom Project
  • Perinatal Psychology Graduate Education
    Santa Barbara Graduate Institute
  • TeleHealth for Mental Health Professionals
    PESI Continuing Education
  • Prana Vinyasa Yoga RYT-200
    Samudra Global School for Living Yoga
  • Midwifery Intensive
    Heart and Hands
  • Traditional Moroccon Postpartum Doula
    The Nafsa Project School
  • Postpartum Doula Certification
    Los Angeles Doula, CA
  • Birth Doula Certification
    Sierra Childbirth Institute, CA
  • Pregnancy Massage Certification
    Institute of Conscious Bodywork, CA
  • Esalen Massage & Advanced Technique
    Esalen, Big Sur, CA
    Deep Tissue, Swedish Esalen Massage
  • Asian Systems Massage Certification
    McKinnon Institute of Massage, Oakland, CA
    Shiatsu, Acupressure, Anatomy & Physiology
  • Meditation Teacher Certification
    Buddhist Studies Institute
  • Yoga for Women Teacher Certification
    GreenPath Yoga, San Francisco CA
  • Arête Coach and Course Leader Training
    Arête Center for Excellence, San Francisco, CA
    2-year training as life coach and to facilitate “Circling”
  • Yogic Buddhism Lineage Apprentice
    Ngakpa International and Yogic Medicine Institute
  • Indigenous Healing, Ceremony, Mayan Shamanism & Native American Traditions Rites of Passage & Wilderness Skills
    Training with OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez, Mayan Healer and other Indigenous Elders.


You deserve to receive the care and support you need to heal and thrive

Have you experienced one or multiple forms of trauma along your reproductive journey?
*fertility challenges, miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, birth trauma+